
17 June 2013 / Annotations / Spring / Java
Today I needed some performance improvements on a application that makes quite a few calls to a database. My default statement is not to implement performance improvements unless there is a issue. Well it just happened. I did not wanted to change any of the existing code so what to do. In Spring 3.x the added a caching mechanism. Implementing this is simple: @Configuration @EnableCaching public class SpringConfiguration { /** * Name of the available Cache */ public final static String CORE_CACHE = "default"; /** * Creates a in memory cache using a concurrent HasMap.
25 February 2013 / fun
Just recently I was looking for the book: Kirk Knoernschild’s Java Application Architecture Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi. A co-worker advised this book for an internal research project on OSGi. As usual I want to book quickly. My local book shop could not deliver thus the internet is the solution to my quest. Undecided on getting the e-Book or paperback I searched for both. To my surprise I got these results.
20 November 2012 / Java / EE
Just a few days ago I attended the DEVOXX conference in Belgium. The last session I attended was from Adam Bien’s session Real World Java EE. As usual i was amazed by the speed and manner of presentation performed by Adam. Just 5 slides and the rest is on the keyboard and a IDE. Juggling between questions from the audience and the message he wants to be passed. Besides that I was triggered (and more people I think) by the statement that he does not use the private keyword anymore.
11 June 2012 / Tools / Metaphor
We as professional software developers or better Software craftsman are proud of out work. When the product is finished we are delivered a working application that complies to all requirements specified, the functional, non-functional and last but not least of coding standards. There are plenty of articles that define some form of coding standard is important. It does not matter if you use the Sun code conventions, Maven conventions or some other ‘obscure’ definition.
05 June 2012 / Java / Principles
For the umpteenth time I have been asked, do you like refactoring? The answer yes I like doing it. when reading books like Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers and The Art of Readable Code it becomes clear that refactoring is a something you need to learn. It’s not about the language specifics, any body can learn the language.